
Scares A Lot Academy, by Max

 A tale written at Halloween and inspired by reading about the folk legends of spooky Japan!

Decades ago when ghosts and ghouls still existed there was a school where all immortals came to learn about wizardry and witch craft and how to scare mortals and this school is hidden in an abandoned house! The house is smothered in cobwebs and most of its windows are cracked. In this very house there is a portal leading to an underground school of vampires, wizards and witches and rarely the odd kappa or oni. This story is about two friends who fallout and become friends again.
One day a vampire named Darren and a kappa named Jack were in wizardry class. It was 2pm and Mr Spooks gave everyone a new spell to learn as usual. Darren and jack thought that they would be better at the spell than anyone else .It was 3pm the end of school “finally” said Jack. “I thought that lesson was going to last forever,” sighed Darren.” I think I will be the best at the assignment, “boasted Jack. “No I will!” shouted Darren. “Yeah right you’re as dumb as a donut,” said Jack. “If you’re so good at magic why don’t we battle in the gym tomorrow at 10am “. You are on ,“ shouted Jack! As Jack and Darren walked home they were muttering to themselves, “how am I going to beat him in a battle only using spells!” Oh well a good nights sleep will help.
It was Friday morning 9:45, only 15 minutes till the fight.” Bring “that’s the bell .Everyone was in the gym. Darren and Jack were face to face .Ready go! Suddenly Jack paused and said, “what were we fighting about in the first place?” “To be honest I don’t know,” said Darren. “Want to be friends again?” said Jack “yeah! “said Darren. Darren and Jack shook hands and that was how they became best friends.

1 comment:

lucy said...

all of the stories are amazingread them !