
A Spooked School, by Hiba

  A tale written at Halloween and inspired by reading about the folk legends of spooky Japan!

There was once a school called Giant Spooked School. The school was called that because it wasn’t children who went, NO WAY! Only witches and wizards, Oni’s and Ghosts went there. The Witches were mean and cruel with old crooked broomsticks and warty green skin. Wizards however were clever and wise with a pointed hat, so pointy it must have been sharpened. Onis are mean but have a soft side with horns of an Ox and clothes from a tiger. Last but not least Ghosts, who are sly and mischievous with a horrifying haunted song. The school lies in an abandoned field with Ivy crawling on the walls. In the classroom there are hanging broomsticks and carved pumpkins and potions as smelly as a turnip on the old dusty shelves covered in grey cobwebs.
There were once two good friends, if you saw them your heart would freeze, because these two were an Oni (A red skinned creature with horns of an Ox and clothes from a tiger.) and a Ghost (A foggy looking person that can float.) They were finishing off their work, which was for Oni carving pumpkins and for the Ghost whose name is Capper was learning a new haunted song. So since they finished their spooky work. (This for them is really hard.)
Capper, who is really mischievous turns invisible, levitates Oni's ink feather (which is a pencil) and drops Oni’s books on the ground. All of a sudden a Ghost is learning a haunted song which makes Capper jump and scratches Oni’s horn with an ink feather. “Oh no!” shouts Capper.....


Anonymous said...

this story had alot of description and enthusiasm. i wished that the story never ended.

Taylo said...

The description is FABULOUS and it should have A Spooked School 2!