
Spooky School, by Adam

 A tale written at Halloween and inspired by reading about the folk legends of spooky Japan!
 It was the first day of a new term and everyone in Saint Spooks was practising their powers, apart from the new S1s (Spooker Ones) who were still shaking with nerves, but at the same time admiring the tall, grey, towering castle that had a massive green dome over the top of it. There were ghosts drifting in through the walls, and witches flying in through open doors on their broom sticks! The S1s stepped inside the gloomy building. There was green mist filling the air around them that signalled Kappa had been sneaking about with a secret stash of cucumbers. Just about the only thing you could see were the bold puffs of smoke coming from the headmaster’s long wooden pipe.
The first subject was P.G. (physical ghooling.) They went into a long narrow hall and waited, and waited, and waited... Finally a puff of smoke shot up from the ground and what looked like a zombie appeared. It was absolutely ghastly! All of the students went as pale ghost, apart from Sammy the ghost who went paler than anyone. Miss. Trunt (the P.G. teacher) ordered everyone to get into pairs, and, friends sprinted to friends, and more friends sprinted to other friends! The only two that were left were little Dracula, the Vampire, and Smonie the Oni! They had to get into pairs... As a result they were NOT good pairs! Smonie started calling Dracula names, like, “PUFFY HAIR!” and, “ROUNDY HEAD!” Because he had curly hair!!! Dracula tried to bite Smonie!
That night Dracula got to bed, still very, very upset. In the morning little Dracula checked his post, and found a bid parcel that is signed, and addressed to him... He opened it still wiping off the streaky tears from the night before, his eyes widened and beamed at it... It was a hair straightener!


Martin! said...

I loved writing the stories!!

Andre Haylock said...
